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Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)

Trucks in Fatal Accidents (TIFA) and Buses in Fatal Accidents (BIFA)


The Trucks in Fatal Accidents database (TIFA) contain records for all the medium and heavy trucks that were involved in fatal traffic crashes in the 50 states and District of Columbia. The Buses in Fatal Accident database (BIFA) was similarly created for buses in fatal crashes. The TIFA data was collected from 1980 through 2010 and the BIFA data was collected from 1999 to 2010 by the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI). The TIFA and BIFA files start with the FARS cases involving trucks and buses and builds on that data.

While UMTRI is the data owner, the data in the TIFA and BIFA databases provide additional detail beyond what the FARS contains.


If you have any questions on the TIFA/BIFA datasets please contact:

University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
2901 Baxter Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2150
Phone: (734) 763-6079 / Fax: (734) 764-2640