NCSA identified several dropped cases (95-72-601/603/613) which should not have been included in the final PCDS SAS file. Additionally, one case (95-41-602) was inappropriately overwritten by another case's data. The three dropped cases were removed from the data files, and the overwritten case was recoded based upon existing hard copy case materials. The new versions of the analysis files were reposted to the FTP site on 05/02/2008. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- On 12/10/2018 a version of the data in an Excel format was uploaded. Please note that blank fields should be treated as an Unknown value. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- On 08/01/2023 a new version of the datasets were created in the SAS7BDAT format, replacing the files in the SD2 format. On 09/06/2023 it was discovered that the PCSAS extraction file was encrypted. The file (PCDS_PCSAS.zop) was recreated and posted. *** Any questions regarding PCDS data should be directed to: ***