10/3/2018: VIN decoding file is provided in the zip files. 8/7/2018: A newer version of Analytical User Manual is uploaded to this site. 9/12/2016: 2015 GES file is updated and released. In this correction/update, the imputed data element for most harmful event (VEVENT_IM) on the VEHICLE level contained a handful of cases with invalid attributes. The VEVENT_IM element was re-generated and no longer contains invalid attributes. Starting from 2015, a CSV version of the GES file is released; Also from 2015, the auxiliary files for each file format, such as sas7bdat, txt and csv, are included with the rest of GES files in the zip file for each file format. 8/30/2016: 2015 GES files was released briefly and then removed for updates.