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How to Navigate This Digital Book

While this is the 11th edition of Countermeasures That Work, this is the first digital version where you can easily save and share information and countermeasures that you feel are most relevant. 

Book Builder 

As you navigate each page in this digital book, you'll see a Book Builder. This feature appears on the right side of the page if you're using a computer, or at the bottom of the page if you're using a mobile device. The Book Builder allows you to build your own customized countermeasures book with specific content.

Add to My Book

As you navigate through the digital book, if there is a page that you want to save, click "Add to My Book." If you decide you no longer want that page in your book, click "Remove from My Book."

View My Book

As you add pages to your book, they will appear under the Book Builder, listed out by topic name and page title. To view your customized book on its own page, click "View My Book."

Customized Book

When you click "View My Book," you'll be taken to a webpage that lists the pages you selected. 

IMPORTANT: Your web browser will automatically clear your stored pages after a period of time. See below for how to save your work.

Share My Book

We've made it easy for you to save your customized book for future reference or to share your customized book with others. All you need to do is click "Share My Book" and "Copy Link." 

Each time you add or remove a page to your customized book your share link will change, so be sure to grab the latest share link.

Bookmark Your Book

Another way to save your share link is to bookmark the Customized Book page in your browser. Just remember to update your bookmark if you add or remove pages.

Print to PDF

If you would like a PDF version of the list of pages in your customized book, many web browsers allow you to save a webpage as a PDF by going to "Print" then save as PDF. We also recommend you copy the share link and save it for future use in case you want to come back and make updates to your customized book.