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Interpretation ID: 07-002890drn-2

Mr. Bruce Blocksom

VMI Chief Compliance Officer

Vantage Mobility International

5202 South 28th Place

Phoenix, AZ 85040

Dear Mr. Blocksom:

This responds to your request for clarification as to the appropriate time to remove the Monroney label from the OEM manufactured van. You provided a specific vehicle processing sequence.

The labels you ask about are required by the Automobile Information Disclosure Act, which is commonly known as the Monroney Act or Price Sticker Act. Please be advised that although the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is responsible for New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) safety rating information (also known as Stars on Cars) on the Monroney label, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), rather than NHTSA, generally administers and enforces the Monroney Act. Since we do not administer the Monroney Act with respect to the issue you ask about, we cannot provide an authoritative interpretation.

I am enclosing a page titled Automobile Information Disclosure Act from the DOJs website, which provides information that you may find helpful. I note that the page states, among other things, that The Act prohibits the sticker from being removed or altered prior to sale to a consumer.

If you have further questions about how DOJ administers and enforces the Monroney Act, please write to:

U.S. Department of Justice

Civil Division

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

If you have questions about NHTSAs requirements, please feel free to contact Ms. Dorothy Nakama of my staff by telephone at (202) 366-2992

Sincerely yours,

Anthony M. Cooke

Chief Counsel


