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Behavioral Research

Behavioral Research databases

Behavioral Research databases

The Office of Behavioral Safety Research has also collected data via roadside and crash risk studies in areas such as alcohol and drug use and driving. These studies use biological specimens (e.g., breath, oral fluid, and blood) to better understand alcohol and drug use among drivers and their impact on traffic safety. The most recent roadside and crash risk studies are listed below.

Marijuana, Other Drugs, and Alcohol Use by Drivers in Washington State

National Roadside Survey/Study of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers

Drug and Alcohol Crash Risk: A Case-Control Study

Other Survey or Study Databases

The Office of Behavioral Safety Research will post databases from other surveys and studies as they are available and are prepared for public dissemination.


NHTSA’s Office of Behavioral Safety Research has conducted national telephone surveys focusing on different program areas. The results have been disseminated through published and posted reports. Since 2009, the office has posted telephone survey databases (listed below) with accompanying explanatory materials for use by the public.

National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes and Behavior

National Survey on Speeding Attitudes and Behaviors (NSSAB)

National Surveys of Drinking and Driving Attitudes and Behavior

Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Surveys (MVOSS)

Other Survey or Study Databases

The Office of Behavioral Safety Research will post databases from other surveys and studies as they are available and are prepared for public dissemination.