Entree for Windows
Entree is a data entry and validation application, for the Microsoft Windows 7 platforms, developed for the express purpose of assembling data-rich crash test data sets. The NHTSA Office of Crashworthiness Research is making this software available to its contractors, test sites, and the public in order to facilitate the receipt, processing and exchange of this data.
Entree for Windows v5.17.11.9 is released to the public!
This update adds new features below:
Add a button named "Check Curve Related Error' and a read-only message box in the bottom of 'Instrumentation' page to check errors of curve data and curve-related fields: 'First Point' (NFP), 'Last Point' (NLP) and 'Time Step' (DELT). If errors are found, error-related fields will be highlighted and a suggestion will be displayed in the message box. Once hitting button named "Check Curve Related Error', all curve data and their related fields will be scanned and identified; a table recording related possible errors will be generated; the button named "Check Curve Related Error' will be changed to "View Curve Related Data" for displaying possible errors. The error message in the pop-up view of curve related error will be updated after every correction. This new feature is optional. Therefore, users can run the software as ever to complete editions and validations in all pages without concerning about the curve-related errors and leave the corrections and validations for curves in the final step.
- Add new test configurations (TSTCFN) whose code names are 'FCW', 'LDW' and 'ROL' for collision warnings in forward, lane departure and rollover performance tests. Once a collision warning code is selected in the 'Test Configuration' of "General Test" page, the code contents in other pages, especially in the "instrumentation" page, will be narrowed for the collision warning tests only.
An individual download of version (v1.3.0.4) of the Microsoft Access Database, Ncodes.mdb, is now available. Many new models are available in this update. This database includes all the code tables used in EntréeV5 and must be placed in the same folder together with EntréeV5.exe. When EntréeV5.msi is downloaded from this web page and installed in a local computer, the latest version of Ncodes.mdb is also installed. On default, the folder is C:\Program Files\NHTSA\EntreeV5. Replacing with the latest version requires system admin privilege.
NHTSA Test Reference Guides
In support of the Entree data entry application and NHTSA's crash test databases, a set of test reference guides have been developed which explain the data set format used by Entree, electronic media guidelines, engineering conventions, and coding standards. These guides form the foundation upon which the Entree application has been developed, and provide a common reference source for documenting NHTSA's crash test data exchange standards.
A recent version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and use these guides effectively.
Version 1 NHTSA Supplemental NCAP Test Reference Guide
Version 5 Test Reference Guides
- Volume I : Vehicle Tests (Revision)
- Volume II : Biomechanical Tests (Revision)
- Volume III : Component Tests (Revision)
- Volume IV : Signal Waveform Generator Tests
- Sample Submission as a Zip archive
Version 4 Test Reference Guides
- Volume I : Vehicle Tests
- Volume II : Biomechanical Tests
- Volume III : Component Tests
- Volume IV : Signal Waveform Generator Tests
Readers of the NHTSA Test Reference Guides may also wish to visit the Entree for Windows page for information about software which may be used to assist in the generation of data sets which adhere to the guide standards.
This is a Windows installer package (msi) file containing the application Entree V5. Create a temporary directory on your computer, download this file to that directory and run the file. The installation process will start automatically. Simply follow the setup instructions and after the setup has completed successfully, you can delete the temporary directory and any files it contains.
This is the release version of Entree for Windows v5(, including the help documentation and the codes database. To facilitate more frequent updating of the codes, a separate download of the database is necessary. The database download is identified as the Entrée's Microsoft Access Database entry of this page.
The application has been through extensive testing within NHTSA Research and Development and has been tested by a select group of external users.
Technical support for Entree is offered freely, but only as resources allow us to respond. Entree is an application under active development and change and we welcome feedback and suggestions on how we might improve the application.
Should technical support be required, please send postal mail to:
U.S. Dept. of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave SE
Washington, DC 20590
ATTN: Entree for Windows v5
Check back at this web site at regular intervals for announcements and updates to the program.
All reports to our technical support will receive some sort of response within two (2) business days. Bug reports and usability issues will be prioritized above new feature requests.