Key Resources
The agencies and organizations listed below can provide more information on bicyclist safety and links to numerous other resources.
- National Cooperative Highway Safety Research Program: A guide for reducing collisions involving bicycles (Raborn et al., 2008)
- FHWA: A resident’s guide for creating safer communities for walking and biking (Sandt et al., 2015)
- NHTSA: Advancing pedestrian and bicyclist Safety: A primer for highway safety professionals (Brookshire et al., 2016)
- PBIC: Discussion guide for automated and connected vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists (Sandt & Owens, 2017)
- U.S. DOT: Primer on safe system approach for pedestrians and bicyclists (Goughnour et al., 2021)
- PBIC: Understanding crashes and safe behaviors to help prevent them video series (PBIC, 2020)
- NHTSA: The role of law enforcement in supporting pedestrian and bicyclist safety: An idea book (Blank et al., 2020)
- BIKESAFE: Bicycle countermeasure selection system (Sundstrom & Nabors, 2014)
Data Resources
- The Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool software is available to assist jurisdictions in typing bicycle-motor vehicle crashes and developing a database that contains information on pre-crash maneuvers as well as other crash factors. FHWA recently updated PBCAT.
- The League of American Bicyclists: The Benchmarking Project collects publicly available data on bicycling and walking. The report is updated regularly. (League of American Bicyclists, n.d.-a)
- National Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Data Clearinghouse